Study: Sports Drinks May be Bad for Teeth

Sports drinks can rehydrate you after a workout, but they also may wreak havoc on your teeth. Prolonged consumption of these types of beverages could lead to erosive tooth wear, according to a study presented at the International Association for Dental Research. Mark Wolff, professor and chairman of the department of cardiology and comprehensive care [...]

By |2020-02-03T16:03:34-06:00May 20th, 2016|Blog|0 Comments

Avoid Dental Injuries During Summer Sports

Summer is the time for enjoying the great outdoors. However, some popular summer sports – such as swimming and softball – can expose your teeth to danger. Here are several seasonal activities that could lead to dental injuries and ways to keep your smile safe: Swimming Frequent swimmers may be at risk for developing yellowish-brown [...]

By |2020-02-03T16:03:34-06:00May 11th, 2016|Blog|0 Comments
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